Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Paige's April Snowman!

Paige had a project that initially sounded like it was going to be quite a headache. You know, one of those projects they assign to kids that the parents end up doing! She had to use a cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, and rectangular prism to make a snowman. And, if that wasn't enough, the snowman had a month them... hers was April.

She spent one of our snow days going through the house finding everything she thought she could use. I wrapped them all in white tissue paper, and she did the rest! Her original plan was to put a small Easter basket on the arm and put an Easter egg in it, but she was having trouble with the stability and being able to carry it. Daddy to the rescue... the ended up using an old Easter basket!

The kids will be having a snowman parade at school tomorrow and then their masterpieces will be displayed in the Media Center for a while. She's mighty proud of her Easter Snowman and so are we!

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