Saturday, May 8, 2010

Live For Today!

We continue to hear stories of people losing their life very very young.

- This week, a girl back home lost her battle with cancer.... 44 years old.
- A nurse that used to work with us didn't wake up.... 40 years old.
- Another nurse's son had a sudden cardiac arrest.... 34 years old!

I sent out a prayer request earlier in the week. My brother-in-law continues to battle an advanced stage of Wegener's Disease and was taken back to the hospital. His condition continues to worsen and we are preparing for the worst. Wills are being made, Powers of attorney are being signed, Attorney's have been called to help. He is just barely 40 years old...

These stories are not uncommon, yet we still seem to live life like we're guaranteed our next breath... and we're not. We need to live life today as if it were our last, making sure our loved ones KNOW we love them. And most importantly, making sure our Jesus KNOWS we love Him!

Pastor Beaty
said something a while ago that has really stuck with me each and every day, and I'm leaving you with it...

If you died tomorrow, would you go to Heaven? Have you opened your heart to Jesus and accepted Him? Trusted in His love for you? Are you living your life to glorify Him? Will your family know that you have given your heart to Him so that they have peace in knowing your final destination?

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall live, even though he dies" (John 11:25)

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