Monday, July 25, 2011

Life in the Creamsicle Castle

Once upon a time, a princess named Kaybers, had a short stay in a Creamsicle Castle because she got very very sick. She went there to feel better and get stronger because there were lots of nice people there to help her.... but some were not so nice!

When Princess Kaybers first arrived at the Creamsicle Castle off her chariot, Dr. Confuzzled was nowhere to be found so Princess Kaybers was left to the others! They were all scratching their heads with what to do and enlisted the help of Dr. Stapleyourmouthshut, who was NOT very nice at all! Dr. Confuzzled arrived too late to save Princess Kaybers because Dr. Stapleyourmouthshut had already decided to make Princess Kaybers eat all kinds of strange meals (like salad, white rice, and wheat bread) and disregard the map that Dr. Confuzzled had already drew! Dr. Confuzzled decided to sit back and wait for the go ahead to take charge!

In the meantime, Dr. Stapleyourmouthshut put Dr. Perky on the case! Dr. Perky almost immediately decided that Dr. Stapleyourmouthshut was on to something and put Dr. Creeper in charge of peeking in on Princess Kaybers every chance he got! One of Dr. Perky's newbies, Dr. Coolstuff, stopped by late one evening and offered kind words that made Princess Kaybers smile again. Then, the next day, Dr. Perky's knight Dr. Superhero, disagreed with the way that Princess Kaybers had been treated and decided that maybe the help of Dr. Fairygodmother would help get Princess Kaybers out of this mess. So, the King and Queen reluctantly agreed to let the meeting happen.

Dr. Fairygodmother finally arrived a few days later and saved Princess Kaybers from Dr. Stapleyourmouthshut by saying that Princess Kaybers was just too weak before and really needed to be able to make some of her own choices! Princess Kaybers, the King, and the Queen were all very happy!

The next day, Dr. Superhero reenlisted the help of Dr. Confuzzled to make sure that everything was in place and they got back on the right plan! A few little changes did the trick and Dr. Superhero saved the day by rescuing Princess Kaybers on the eve of her birthday! Princess Kaybers was able to finally leave the Creamsicle Castle and return to her own castle on Foxbury Court where the next afternoon a celebration of friends gathered to welcome her home, and she lived happily ever after!


Becky said...

lol...made me laugh! Who wrote this little fairy tale? Very creative!


Kayleigh, her friend Liz, and her youth leader Cindy named the doctors during her stay at the hospital; and I wrote the fairy tale based on those names. It really does sum up the last few weeks!