Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wow! God Is SO Good!!

I don't want to get into too much detail, but we are in awe tonight of something God put into action! We found out yesterday that Devin was officially accepted to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA; a very good Christian college. We are VERY excited for him... but just as soon as the excitement hit us, reality hit us harder.

We have TWO kids going to TWO private colleges in the coming months! HOW are we going to pay for THAT?!?

As I went to bed last night, I said out loud, "OK God.... if this is Your plan, show us how that we are going to be able to make it all work without moving into a 2 bedroom shack and eating mac 'n cheese, rice, and beans for the next 4 years and that You have it under control." (Yep... I said it just like that!)!

Well... today He showed us that we can trust in His plan.

A church member, who shall remain nameless, sent Devin a VERY heartfelt long letter. We don't know this church member well, but he was very touched by the struggles Devin has had the last year and how Devin has overcome them. He also recently realized that Devin's sister is Kayleigh, the girl our whole church has been praying for during her recent health struggles. It was then that he decided to help Devin out in a way that has left us speechless. This persons donation to Devin's education will cover the cost of books for his first semester!


In the letter this person said to not think of it as him giving money to Devin Lyons... but, instead, it was God using him to help another family.

This person is right, but in a way that I bet he didn't even think of. He is right because He, through prayer, followed what he felt God was leading him to do, to help Devin out a bit.

But, he also helped Mike and I realize that God has it ALL under control! It was the answer to my "conversation" with God last night. It was God's way of telling me that He has it ALL under control!



Evelyn said...

Yep, God is good, and when we are in doubt and cannot see what's ahead, He has a plan!! This person's actions will be a catalyst for Devin to follow and do something for someone else, to pay it forward in some heartfelt way...


Sorry, don't know how to contact you. Could you email me??? It is Scarlett. I no longer work for GG. Long story... Well maybe not, they don't want religious people there anymore. You know how it is. Anyway don't approve this, just send me an email and we can talk, I still pray for your family.