Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our Drama Queen!

AMTC is a Christian based talent company that came to Greensboro over the weekend seeking people for modeling as well as acting for advertisers. It's a company that we researched and is very reputable. The "AMTC is a company embracing Christian values in an industry plagued with scandal. Yet, it is also an industry of beauty, truth, and art."

Paige has always LOVED the camera - so we figured why not try it. We received word this morning that they want more from her! She's now practicing a line for a Twizzler's commercial and we have to video tape her doing a skit that she can create on her own. She's had fun all day saying her lines and posing for more pictures! The video is a quick take of her saying her lines from memory (well.. it has to be from memory because she can't read yet!).

She's well aware she may not make it any further, but she sure is having fun in the process and we're going to let her enjoy the ride as far as it will take her!

1 comment:

Carrie and Scott said...

that is so cool! love the lines...and she is adorable...i hope she wow's them again!