Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Episode of "Not Me!" Monday

Wow time is flying! We're getting ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and we have plans every weekend in November!

With all this, you can imagine things are crazy busy and quite chaotic. Of course, chaos never happens at our house! So here is a list of things that definitely did not happen around here in the past week.

I did not inhale fried mushrooms, an elephant ear, and a fried oreo cookie in about an hours time at the fair this week because that would mean that I'm ignoring my diet and pushing aside the healthy eating we've started...

I did not ride the Himalaya with Paige and scream like a school girl the entire time and then get on the big roller coaster with her and totally freak out going down the first hill...

I did not hide in my bedroom retreat one night while Mike was at work and the kids were upstairs fending for themselves because I never feel the need to just shut off the world like that...

I did not completely misunderstand Mike and pay the phone bill online the same day he paid it over the phone, thus having an extra $100 taken out of our bank account (which was supposed to be extra fair money)...

then, I did not go off on the customer service rep with a very loud voice after she said there was nothing she could do and the credit would just have to be applied to next months bill...

I did not run to pick up Devin from his friends house at 10pm telling Kayleigh I'd be home in 30 minutes, then sit and talk to David's Mom Leigh until midnight because we all know we don't have time for girl talk when you're raising teenagers...

I did not clean out the garage and give away or sell a bunch of things on Craiglist without telling Mike first because he's certainly not the type to keep everything because we "might" need it someday...

I did not come home from church and change into pj pants and one of hubby's t-shirts, lounge around all day eating cheese, chili, crackers, and other football food while ignoring housework that had to be done...

There's lots more that didn't happen around here last week also but I wouldn't want to make myself look like a perfect Mom and Wife... LOL!

Tune into the original "Not Me!" Monday blogger at My Charming Kids and see how her week went.

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