Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary Dad and Cassie!

When we lost our Mom in 2003, we almost lost our Dad too. He had given up on hisself, stopped taking care of hisself, and within three months was in heart failure. We often said that when Mom passed, she took Dad's heart with her. His pain was so hard for all of us to see.

That all changed in the spring of 2004 when he met Cassie, who we believe is a gift sent by my Mom to take care of our Dad. Mom and Cassie never knew eachother... but you'd never believe it if you met Cassie! She has brought such fun and a reason to live back to his life. We couldn't have been happier when we found out that he decided to make her his wife.

You see, she's not like any other second wife to a widower. She has kept Mom's memory alive in so many ways! There are many pictures of my Mom, as well as my Mom and Dad in my Dad's new house with Cassie; Almost as many as there are of Dad and Cassie. She openly talks about my Mom all the time and never tries to change the conversation. She makes sure that all the grandkids remember who "Grandma Casto" was and she has so wonderfully taken the roll of "Grandma Cassie".

At Dad and Cassie's wedding reception, my new step-Mom said something to my sister and I that I will never forget. With tears in her eyes she said:

"Your Mom has made your Father the man he is today. For that, she will always be a part of our life and she will never be forgotten."

I know that my Mom was smiling down upon us that day, just as I smile today.

We love you and miss you so much! We can't wait to see you again in January!

Happy Anniversary Dad & Cassie!!!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Happy anniversary to your dad & Cassie! She sounds like a wonderful woman!