Monday, January 19, 2009

The Game Was Good, Dinner Was Better!

L to R: Mike, Elijah, Megan, and Michelle
(Megan's husband Dan was there too... he took the picture)

After the game we met up with the Portas at Eddie's Place Restaurant!

Dan and Megan are in North Carolina (from Minnesota) visiting Megan's parents for the week. The timing was perfect because Mike and I were just 15 minutes away from where her parents live... so we met for dinner for the first time face to face.

First - little Elijah is even cuter in person!! He's such a happy boy and played so quietly while we got to know each other. So content... even so close to bedtime! We enjoyed watching his little grins all evening.

Dan and Megan are super nice people and so positive! Though many of you know Mike and I feel like we've had more than or share of medical problems in our family... it doesn't even compare to what they have gone through with Elijah.

We hope to see Dan and Megan again next year... who knows... maybe I can talk Mike into a trip to the Mall of America and visit them on their turf!


The Portas said...

Yes! Come to MN! We'll give you the full tour. You know, the flight to/from Charlotte was super short. Not bad at all.

Thanks for meeting us for dinner. It was a pleasure to meet both of you! I only wish we could have met some of your cuties. Next time...

Elijah has been LOVING on the truck book you guys gave him. Thank you so much!

I hope your week is going well. We are missing the Charlotte weather, even as "cool" as it was. :)

Mandy said...

You're such a great friend. Sorry I've been behind on stalking your blog. I'll get caught up. ;-)