Friday, January 16, 2009

I Can't Wait!!!

Remember little Elijah? I sent out a prayer request for him a while back during one of his recent hospitalizations. He's a "heart buddy" of ours that lives in Minnesota with his Mommy and Daddy, Dan and Megan. They'll be visiting Charlotte next week... which just happens to be about an hour south of us AND we will be in Charlotte on Monday to attend a NBA basketball game.

So........... Megan and I did a little planning and we all get to meet face to face! After the game we're going to meet up with them for dinner and drinks at a restaurant in Charlotte. I can't wait to see those little chubby cheeks for myself! Absolute cuteness! Although Chase's heart trouble doesn't come close to the difficulties little Elijah had, it will be nice to spend some time with another family who experiences the same fears of their child's health that we do and learn from eachother ways to handle the stress that comes with it all.

Dan, Megan, and Elijah - can't wait to finally SEE you on Monday night!!!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

We are so thrilled to have the chance to meet you, as well! You have done so much faithful praying for our little boy in the past year and we are very thankful for that. Meeting you in person will be such a treat!

Can't wait! See you Monday! xoxox