Thursday, April 2, 2009

Praise Reports...

We've had a great week full of good things...

First - we started last week out with an email that said a loved one does NOT have cancer. After the initial diagnosis a few week's back, an opportunity for a second opinion at a top-notch hospital nationally known hospital just fell in their lap! Come to find out, the first pathology report was inaccurate! Talk about an answer to prayers! Some retesting will be done in a few months... but it all looks good. God is good!!

Second - no sick kids!!! It's been seven days and we've had no urgent care or ER visits, no doctor's visits, no calls from the school, no missing work at all! God is good!

Also, Jim and Jenni close on their house TOMORROW here in North Carolina. They will officially move into their new home on THURSDAY... just one week from today!! After much prayer and faith, things are falling into place for them. God is good!

Last... my dear friend and coworker, Evelyn, has had doors opened for her in a great way. Though I am very sad to see her leave Brookridge, and Winston-Salem, I am very thankful she is able to move on to a new place where she can be fresh and rejuvenated and have a new start. God is good!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Praise God for the good week! May it continue...xox