Monday, April 13, 2009

A Quick Update...

We spent almost an hour and a half at the doctor's office with Paige! Thursday night, Mike and I noticed a knot on her neck. By Friday it was clear she had a few of them on the right side, then by last night we felt them on both sides. Today - the doctor's found 5 "nodules" on the right side of her neck, and 3 on the left. They are near her lymph system and are all abnormally large. A few of them are QUITE large (one was 2+ cm, another she felt was 1-2 cm).

There is no sign of infection anywhere that's obvious... no runny nose, no fluid in the ears, not coughing, nothing like that and she hasn't been sick in a month. Her being on Singulair for asthma already tells them it's not allergen related. And, there is no pain with the nodules. Dr. Marlette did a strep test in hopes that it would come back positive as a carrier or something like that... but no such luck. She felt that if it was a virus coming, we would have seen it start by now since the nodules were first spotted at the end of last week.

Dr. Marlette is concerned and as we expected, she is sending Paige for further evaluation. They drew a BUNCH of blood to get a good look at her WBCs as well as some other things that I didn't understand. They are referring her to a surgeon at Brenner's to take it from here and all her labs will be read by him. She wouldn't 'get into specifics but by the time we left 3 of the doctors there had been called in to look at her. Dr. Marlette did check all other lymph areas (arm pits, groin, etc.) and they are all clear. We are to check them nightly and call with any changes.

That's really all we know right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paige is definately on the top of my prayer list. Boy , you guys have had alot to deal with. Hope you get some gd news soon. love you all.
Aunt Rita