Thursday, September 17, 2009

This Bites!

Well... something bites anyhow!

Chase came downstairs last night saying he was itchy on his back and felt a bug bite. We looked, and it looked sort of like a swollen mosquito bite so we put some anti-itch cream on it and off to bed he went.

Tonight, I got home and Mike left for work. Mike wasn't gone 5 minutes and Chase asked me for more cream because his back was itchy and it burned. I looked and FREAKED out! I called a friend whose husband (a pharmacist) was closeby. He stopped and suggested we head to urgent care to get it checked out tonight. So, we did.

After an hour in the waiting room, then a half hour in the exam room, they finally came in and took a look. After taking a culture of it and examining it more than once he finally determined it is a spider bite, but he was unable to identify what KIND of spider. Gave us a script for a topical steroid cream and said to watch it closely, then sent us on our merry way.

I've been searching the internet all night looking for something similar. The closest is the brown recluse but I'm not convinced of it. Devin had a brown recluse bite a few years back and it was the most NASTY thing I have EVER seen or dealt with. Looked horrible within 8 hours and took months to heal. This doesn't seem to be that rampant.

I guess we just wait and see... he's lathered in cream and covered with a light bandage for bed. Hoping in the morning it at least looks a bit better!

Never a dull moment around here...

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