Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Letter...

My Favorite Christmas Picture of Mom and Dad - 1998
Devin on the left, Kayleigh on the right. Mom is holding baby Chase on the left, and baby Jake on the right. Dad holding Samantha.

Dear Mom,

It's been another year of craziness in our house. The kids have grown so much in so many ways! So hard to believe that in just a few years they'll start going off to college. You'd be so very proud of them! Devin's taking such a love of Jesus and ministry, Kayleigh's artistic talents blow us away every day, Chase's smile continues to light up a room in a heartbeat, and Paige is so full of life and love! Each of them remind me of you in their own way... that's how I know that you are right here with us!

Last night was our annual Christmas dinner with the kids, then we came home to open a few gifts. Tonight we'll be heading out to Tanglewood's Festival of Lights and then come home to read the story of Baby Jesus before heading to bed. Tomorrow morning will be full of smiles, memories, tears, and love as we enjoy this Christmas and remember Christmas's of past with you.

This year is a bit more special... I really felt it upon my heart to do something for the kids from you. Though it's something very, very small, it's something the kids will KNOW is from you and I'm sure it will make them smile! I never ever want a Christmas to go by where we all don't remember how much we enjoyed Christmas with you!

I miss you more than words can say and oh, what I wouldn't give for one more Christmas right here by your side! But, I know I have many more Christmas's by your side when we are reunited in Heaven someday.

Until then, we'll hang on to every last memory of you and continue to tell the kids how special you were and still are!

Love always,


1 comment:

Mandy said...

You've got me crying over here! Beautiful!