Friday, December 4, 2009

We Must Have Crazy Genes!!!

Devin's been having trouble with his hands and wrists for several years. Over the last year it's gotten worse causing his hands to "lock up" and sometimes dislocate in an odd fashion. He finally had enough and asked us if he could see a doctor. Took him a few weeks ago and they x-ray'd both hands... next thing we knew we had 2 doctors reviewing the x-rays, then they called in a special radiologist! We knew something was up - then the orthopedic doctor said he wanted to consult with a pediatric hand doc because it appeared his Hamate and Capitate bones in his wrist were fused in both hands, and his ulna is longer than the radius in both hands, jamming it up even more.

Well - got a phone call today - seems the 2 doctors we saw a few weeks ago met with the pediatric hand doctor as well as a hand surgeon. They decided it is best for Devin to see the hand surgeon before Christmas and worked him in next Wednesday. Not sure what to expect... but he's a bit nervous.

The x-ray above is NOT Devin's, but it is what Devin's x-rays look like. I have circled the area on each that is supposed to be TWO bones, but you can see how they are fused as one. They explained that this is a congenital deformity... hmmm.... his brother Chase has his first and second ribs fused together too! The concern is that the way his ulna is jamming up into the wrist - the wrist bones don't have much room to move around properly - therefore "jamming" and causing pain. This could potentially lead to more serious damage in the hand, forearm, upper arm, or even shoulder. With him only being 16... now is the time to fix it!


Anyhow... again... never a dull moment around here!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh, how interesting! So thankful that the doctors seem on top of it to fix it now vs. later. xoxo