Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Cool Is It...

Newsong on Stage
Our kids LOVE to sing and dance to worship and praise music!?!

My friend, Jenni, and I took our kids to the Winter Jam 2010 concert in Greensboro last night. Once there, we met up with another good friend, Kristen, with her husband Scott and son Ethan.

Kristen and Ethan

It was so worth the 45 minutes standing in a crowd of thousands in 30 degree weather, plowing through to find your own seat as others rushed to find and save theirs too, then being herded out like cattle after the concert!

Juli, Paige, Chase & Jake... FREEZING!

Seeing them all smiling, dancing, and laughing made it a great evening! It was way cool to see everyone of many religions praising and honoring a God who loves us ALL!

Juli, Jenni, Paige, Chase, and Jake

By the way... Devin went to... but in the crowds of thousands I had no clue where he was to get pictures!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Looks like fun, but brrrrr. I'm a weenie! ;-)