Monday, October 18, 2010

Best Friends Are For...

Kayleigh had laryngitis for well over a week, but suddenly turned worse last Tuesday. I took her to the doctor figuring she had strep, but the test was negative and the doctor said it was just a virus. We got the usual instructions... got lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Later that evening Kayleigh went up to my bathroom to take a bath. I faintly heard her say "Mommy I need you...", which was quite odd for her. I went to the bottom of the stairs and said "Kayleigh?..... KAYLEIGH?..." and got nothing.

When I went upstairs I found her laying on my bathroom floor, unconscious! An image that I am having a terrible time erasing from my mind! After about 3 minutes she started to rouse a little. I called for help from neighbors and a dear friend of mine to help me get her safely down 3 flights of steps to the van.

I also called Kayleigh's friend Liz because they had been texting all night and I knew Liz was worried sick. Liz actually BEAT us to the hospital and stayed with her the whole time! She let Kayleigh lean on her while I completed boatloads of paperwork, and she prayed with her while we waited. It was so sweet to watch a friend care that much!

In the end, Kayleigh was VERY dehydrated and that's what caused the passing out episode. They pumped her with lots of fluids and then sent us on our merry way after about 5 hours. She's still a bit tired and weak, but getting better each and every day!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Oh my! How scary!! I got chills just reading through this. Definitely an image a mother never wants to see. :( Well I'm glad all is well now. Geez, do you guys ever get a break from this sort of thing??