Monday, December 27, 2010

The Start of a New Year

As 2010 draws to a close, I've been thinking back over all the things we have gone through this year... both good and bad. Everything from broken bones, to illnesses, to the loss of a grandparent... to Devin becoming a senior and Kayleigh getting her permit. What a year it has been!

In 2008 I decided to start a New Year's ReVolution each year. It started when an elder at our church talked about
the New Year being a Revolution! Instead of making selfish resolutions where it's all about me.... it should be about God and how we should really bring Him into our daily lives even more than we do now.

I started these ReVolutions with some baby steps... pray more, join a small group, and give up my fears and anxieties to Him. I did pretty good that first year, but still had work to do... especially on the prayer part. As much as I wanted to bring prayer into our daily family life, my anxieties always let me down. Sure, I pray every night, but still wasn't praying WITH my family as often as I could have. When I looked back on the list of ReVolutions, I decided to keep working on these things in 2010 and REALLY make them a priority.

So... here's how it went...

1) I will let go of trying to control my life and let Him take the reigns. When He is in control all comes together as a part of His perfect plan.

I have been blessed beyond measure in taking risks to follow where He has guided me! I really felt the push to take a new job with another company. This was way out of my comfort zone... as it was going to a true skilled nursing facility where many of the residents do not have insurance. I am finding that I am constantly looking for ways to help them within their means and pray for patients who have no one and nothing every night.

Even bigger... one night while at a parents youth meeting I stepped WAY out of my box and signed up to be a youth leader! Each week, spending time with these kids gets easier and easier and I'm loving being a part of their lives! Like I said... blessed beyond measure!

2) I will let go of worry. If you know me I am bad about this! I will have faith that He will provide in times of need.

I have really made this a part of my life and my outlook on things is sooooo much better! When illnesses, financial matters, or career choices popped up; I tried hard to step back and let Him guide me and He has always provided when I've truly followed His will.

3) I will bring Him into our home on a daily basis. In our every day life, this often gets pushed aside. Coming home late from practices and work we often rush through dinner and scurry the kids off to bed... not taking the time for proper prayers of thanks and praise at mealtimes and bedtimes.

This is the one area that I have really focused on this year. I don't know that we can ever pray ENOUGH... but, in the latter half of the year especially, we have began praying at dinner when we are all together, at Holiday times, and I have even started praying more often at bedtime with the kids or when they are having a tough day. I do wish I could calm my anxieties over praying with Michael and will make an effort this year to spend time with him in prayer... I think it's something that we both need.

4) I will step out of my comfort zone and participate in a small group this year. My lack of knowledge of the Bible has always shied me away from joining a small group. I'm always afraid of sounding "stupid" for asking questions or asking for explanation. This is a huge thing for me, but what a better way to come closer to Jesus!

Well - last year I posted this was one goal that I accomplished. But, sadly, in May our small group "disbanded". The leading couple was expecting a baby and they felt they needed to "feed" their own spiritual needs for a while. I miss our weekly time together so very much!

So, as the New Year approaches, here's my ReVolutions for 2011

1) I will continue to improve the prayer time for our family, both at mealtimes, bedtimes, in times of need, and in times of praise. Similarly, I will encourage Michael to do the same and I will begin to pray with him.

2) I will lead a youth small group and not take the passenger seat in order to help guide these kids in a life of love that comes with living for Jesus.

3) I will find and participate in another small group in order to build upon my faith and love of the Lord so that I can share with others the joy that comes from Him.

I pray you all have a Happy New Year and that 2011 is full of love, laughter, and many blessings!!

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