Monday, September 19, 2011

"Consider it Pure Joy...."

I've been blogging a few years now. A while back I posted a blog titled "Our Conflicting Views on Prayer" that listed just some of the trials Michael and I have endured. (You can click on the title if you want to read it.) Since then we can add a few things to the list.... nearly losing our daughter this summer for one, and then last week nearly losing my father.

I have recited James 1:2-3 many times to myself over the last several years....

"Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because yo know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

I'm not very good at following His word here. And if I'm being completely honest with myself, at times I even get angry because I feel like I've been given my fair share of trials and tribulations to be joyful about! I even "joked" with a friend last week telling her "I get it.... I'm JOYFUL... let someone ELSE be JOYFUL because I've had about all the JOY I can handle!".

Well this week, God gave me my "Come to Jesus Talk" on a few occasions...

First, at small group on Wednesday night we ended up on this very topic. What a true faith looks like. I didn't say much during our meeting time, but it was heavy on my heart all evening. I left there that night reminded that I really struggle with trusting God's ways through trials and having a true faith that His plan WILL prevail and guide me down His path. Then, at church yesterday, Pastor David laid it right back out there again! The message..... true faith in all situations!

I can't even venture a guess as to why we go through what we do, or why some seem to have it so much worse or easier than others. But, what I have realized is that I recite James 1:2-3 to myself as a way to comfort myself with the words and I rarely let the myself act on what it's telling me. Have a true faith and just give it up to God, let him take control and take over; no matter HOW hard the situation.

What we have learned and experienced is that when we do stand tall and persevere, we are more grateful. Grateful for our children, grateful for insurance, grateful for friends, grateful for church community, grateful for family.... just grateful! And JOYFUL that we have children, insurance, friends, church community, family, and more!

He doesn't want us to go it alone.... he doesn't want us to fret and worry. He wants us to give it up to Him. To have faith. A true faith. "And without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God..." (Hebrews 11:6).

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