The events of the last few days have left us with no words... I can't even come up with a title for this post because I think I am still in disbelief over it all.
We are so blessed and grateful to wonderful friends who love us and support us even from 36 hours away! They have planned a yard sale/bake sale/silent auction benefit has been arranged in Michael's name. It is being held next Saturday, September 28th, in the vacant lot that borders the Lewisville square from 8am to 12pm with the silent auction closing at 11:30am.
There are some people who have said they want to help, but would rather
just contribute financially, and others who live in other states who have also said they want to be involved. There is an online site that can be used, click Loving the Lyons Family to make online contributions. (Please note, YouCaring is a free
service for those in need, but expensive to maintain, so there is a question on
the payment page in the middle that asks if you’d like to donate to the site.
It automatically prefills it at 5%, but you can click “Edit this Amount” and
make it $0.00 or another amount if you so choose.)
If you have any questions at all or want to help in some way, please contact
Angie Hutchins at (336-776-8290) or
Michael and I do not have the words to adequately tell you all how much we
love and appreciate your prayers, love, and support! Thank you just doesn’t
seem like enough!
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