Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekly Update

I'm trying to do a better job of updating weekly....  
The last week we saw Michael's primary care doctor for 3 month follow up and labs and his then his neurologist on Monday,  Since last Tuesday, he has had a bit more trouble with balance, dizziness, headaches, and just feeling "funky".  He described it to Dr. Saperstein (neurologist) as "numb...  almost like a floating feeling".  They aren't really sure what's causing it.  The neurologist did a quick autonomic test yesterday morning in the office to rule out it being a flare of his dysautonomia, and sure enough that was not it.  I asked specifically if it could be related to CTE and they really can't tell us....  they just aren't familiar enough with the disease.  Just need the input from UCLA.

Michael has continued to not let it totally keep him down.  He went with me to the softball field Saturday to practice with Paige.  After about 10-15 minutes I sent him to the dugout while Chase and I continued to practice and Michael just coached all of us from the dugout.  It was good to get out of the house for a while!  Michael's family is coming the first week of April and that will certainly lift his spirits too!  

Michael's appointment at UCLA is in 4 weeks and we have a long way to go financially to get there.   Again, thank you all for loving us through this journey...  financially, messages, hugs, and prayer!  

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