Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Paige Olivia!

Paige Olivia
Just a few hours after birth
November 7, 2002

7 Years ago today was the scariest day of our lives! We were about to welcome our youngest daughter into this world.... at 30 weeks gestation, just over 9 weeks premature. We were laying all the Faith we had in God to guide the hands of the doctors and nurses that day, and to take care of our new little princess and to get me through the difficult surgery. That He did!!

Today, she is an amazing, gorgeous, sweet, brilliant, funny little 7 year old girl that we grow more proud of every day. She truly is our little miracle and we are forever thankful for God's grace and healing touch for her to be a part of our family!
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

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