Thursday, March 20, 2008

We're Bleaching the Whole House!!!

What a week it has been around here! It all started Sunday with Chase's raging fever - by Monday night he had a horrible rash down his stomach and we immediately thought the worst fearing a relapse of Kawasaki. Turned out - he had strep but no sore throat. Very strange - but with that kid nothing surprises me anymore!

The next through the pediatrician's office was Kayleigh for a fever, constant cough, and stuffy nose. Picked her up from school and went straight to the pediatrician's office - turned out she had strep too!! She was actually MAD at me for taking her because it meant she couldn't go to school for a day!

Then - Wednesday night - Devin comes in at 2am "Dad I'm sick and throwing up, I need Pepto"!! Nice to know even nearing 15 he still needs Mommy and Daddy when he's sick! Well - today he woke up not only sick on his stomach, but sore throat and fevered!!! Off to the pediatrician for the 3rd time in a week!!

As for Paige - She's too hyper to be sick these days! We've been keeping her at pre-school all week and FAR away from her sick siblings!!!

I guess if they're gonna all get sick - it's better they do it all at once and get it over with . . . right???

Anyhow - Mike and I decided this weekend was spring cleaning weekend and we are sanitizing everything in sight!!!

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