Monday, September 22, 2008

"Not me!" Monday

OK - So I've decided to join MckMama (My Charming Kids) "Not me!" Mondays idea. Jump on over to her blog to see what the average every day Mom's NEVER do wrong - tee hee! If you like it, join us! So here's what I would NEVER do.... really.... I mean it...

Here's my "Not me!" list...

I did not scratch the passenger side of my shiny silver van trying to park where I know there's lots of branches while dropping off the kids to Bible Study. And I certainly did not hide it from my husband.

I did not eat a brownie for breakfast and skip the milk & cereal because I know that it's not good for me.

I did not run in and put money under my Paige's pillow in the middle of the afternoon after Paige mentioned toothfairy "forgot" to stop by overnight.

I did not preach to the kids about cleaning their rooms this weekend and come down to my room and say "ehh... no one sees it anyhow"!

I did not tell Paige her make-up gymnastics class was cancelled on Saturday because I didn't want to rush through shopping to get her there on time.

And last, I most certainly did NOT take Devin to Bible Study Wednesday night with him wearing a "Cerveza" t-shirt with a big beer bottle acrossed it!!

So - what did you NOT do this past week?

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

Oh my... the toothfairy story is such a fear of mine...thank goodness for my late night hubby who never forgets that kind of stuff!

Enjoyed your list!