Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our New Pet???

This spider has seemed to make his (or her??) home in our bushes out front. I have to say - it is quite beautiful for a spider, but I prefer it find another home!

We did some research on it - afraid it might be poisonous. It's actually called an Argiope Aurantia (otherwise known as a garden spider) and is very common in the state of North Carolina. Not poisonous and feeds on bats (which we have plenty of around here!).

So.... next time you come to visit, we'll have to introduce you to our new pet...


The Portas said...

That is the freakiest thing! I can't stand spiders, even normal looking spiders. That thing is giant! YIKES.

Kristen Daukas said...

We have three garden spiders right now.. they are always female (they eat their mates :) ) and die after they lay their egg sacks. I don't mind them, but I draw the line at the egg sacks and make Steve get rid of them.