Saturday, October 4, 2008

Alpha Acres Farm: a-MAZE-ing!

With Kayleigh and Devin gone for the weekend, and my weekend PRN job not needing me today, that left Mike & I with Chase and Paige for a day of fun. We started at the new Lewisville Soda-Shoppe for lunch. Paige wasn't sure what to think of the waitress in the poodle skirt! Chase loved the music.

From there - we surprised them with a trip to Yadkin County's Alpha Acres Corn Maze. Alpha Acres is part of the Rescue Mission and is for men who need a fresh start after hitting rock bottom with drugs and alcohol. It includes an in debth Bible Study, academic education, and a lot of hard work to prepare them to return to the community. This year, these men created a Noah's Ark corn maze on 5 acres. Talk about work!!

While walking through the corn maze, the kids had to find animal stamps along the way (they were NOT easy to find!) and stamp their sheet. If the sheet was completed when we came out, they got to go play in the fields at various game stations that were set up, as well as take a hayride (which we didn't do because Paige decided she was suddenly afraid of hayrides!). There were also Bible scriptures and stories of Noah's Ark along the way to read.

After they were done playing in the games area they were able to pick their own pumpkins to take home. Paige must have picked up three different ones before finally deciding on one (the first one she had to begin with!). Chase, on the other hand, was a grab & go!

All in all - it was a fun day. Chase and Paige enjoyed having Mom and Dad all to themselves and we had fun letting them guide the way! Mom and Dad enjoyed it just as much as they did!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Too cute! Margelle wants to go!!