Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dixie Classic Fair 2008

We took Chase and Paige to the Dixie Classic Fair tonight. Paige has upgraded from the kiddie rides to the big kid rides which made it a LOT of fun! Mommy and Daddy even rode with them on a few things!

Here's a few highlights from the night and a video of Paige on something she's been dying to do (it recorded sideways for some reason...)!

"Look Ma.... No Hands!"

Yikes! Upside Down!!!

"I'm Next!"

The kids are way up there somewhere!!


The Portas said...

Fun! Look how happy everyone looks. :)

Thanks for the email the other day. I never wrote you back, but wanted to say thanks for the support. xooxox

Carrie and Scott said...

I want to do that! Fun!