Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Feast...

We had our true Thanksgiving Sunday when my Dad and step-mom were here. But - we couldn't have Thanksgiving go by without some sort of special meal. So - I braved a turkey caserole... Mike was a bit nervous so I had leftover turkey on a platter just in case.

But... much to my surprise... I DID IT! My Mom would be so proud! It was so good that Mike even had seconds and it wasn't just to make me feel good! The turkey on the platter didn't get touched!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." 1 Chronicles 29.13


Mandy said...

Sounds fabulous!

The Portas said...

Mmmmmm, looks great to me! Tummy is growling now. I better go find some food. :)