Friday, February 6, 2009

Please Pray With Us...

Bumping this prayer request up.... Open house is tomorrow afternoon.

Many of you know that good friends of ours, Jim and Jenni, have been in the process of moving to North Carolina for the last year. Jim started his new job in North Carolina at Hugh Chatham Hospital last week, leaving Jenni and the kids back in Ohio until their house sells. The kids are not handling it well, and Jen is doing all she can to stay strong and maintain a normal routine without breaking down.

Next weekend, they will host their second open house with a new price on this gorgeous home (it takes a long time to load, be patient!). Please pray that the right family will walk through their home and it will be sold so that the family can be quickly reunited. Also, join with me in prayer for Jenni and the kids to remain strong and united during these difficult days.

Thank you!!!

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