Friday, January 30, 2009

We're Still Around!

Boy time has really gotten away from us this past week or so! No fun pictures to post tonight... no time for pictures!

Mike's been battling a bad cold all week, and his job has been keeping him super busy with crazy hours. Our friend Jim moved here from Ohio last week (Jenni and the kids to soon follow)... so he and Mike watched Wake Forest kick Dukes rear end in basketball Wednesday night. Mike had his annual inspection at work yesterday that he prepped for all week... and he passed with flying colors!

I, also, have had a busy week at work. I took on a new role/responsibility at work and am now responsible for my building, as well as a skilled nursing facility in Mount Airy. I'm a bit nervous, but looking forward to the challenge! I've been doing water aerobics for a few weeks now on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go and walk a few miles. I feel soooooo much better and have already dropped a size!! Last, I stepped out of my comfort zone and joined a Bible Study on Sunday nights... The Book of Romans. For a newbie... it's hard, but I love the new friendships I'm developing and learning more about our Lord and Saviour!

Devin and Kayleigh had the end of their midterms this week and I think they'd both say "thank goodness they're over!". Those two kids studied like crazy!! They've now started their 3rd quarter/2nd semester with new classes and are on the down slide of the year. Devin is going to attempt to run spring track... guess we'll see how that goes! He's still recovering from that anterior tib-fib injury he had in winter track! Devin and Kayleigh's D-Group (Bible Study) resumed this week and they've been working hard on it. Devin especially reads a lot of scripture and really studies it hard. I've been going to him with help on mine!

Paige and Chase are doing great as well. We've escaped the flu and respiratory stuff so far (knocking hard on wood) this year. Paige's asthma has seemed to really improve in the last 6-9 months - Praise God! We had her first parent/teacher conference this week... let's just leave it at "She's Paige!". She's been funny at church too... one week she'll go to KidROCC, the next she wants to go to Sunday school! Chase has been busy participating in his first science fair: The Effect of Video Games on the Heart Rate. What a perfect project for him! Chase absolutley loves KidROCC at church and is looking forward to the "TweenROCC" - it's a youth group for the younger kids.

So - that's it in a nutshell... we've just been busy with work, school, church, exercise, eating, sleeping, etc.!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I hear ya girl!! Life is busy! So glad to hear Paige's asthma is better. Our little nebulizer is getting lots of use! PC's still a wheezing. I'm praying that your friends sell their home quickly!