Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yes, Another Broken Bone!!!

Yep - Devin's done it again!

Take a look at his left index finger in the lower picture... I think he's trying to set a record for the number of broken bones and major injuries while living under a parent's roof! Here's to hoping he doesn't actually BREAK the record!!

As the story goes... he was playing an awesome game of basketball where he was totally kicking some butt.... the ball hit him and he felt it jam, figured it was ok, and just continued to play before he realized it was twisted and bent and then all of the sudden hurt really bad!! I'm sure it wasn't quite THAT dramatic... but it's definitely broke! Good thing Mom works in Occupational Therapy and has splinting materials here at home!!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Oh no! More broken stuff?? :( I used to break my fingers all the time playing sports and it was such a nuisance.

Michelle, I love your interpretation of his story. :)

Heal up quickly! xoxo