Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's a GOD Thing!!!

We were called earlier in the week and told that the doctor's decided that it is best for Paige to see an Oncologist and the appointment is TOMORROW! The appointment letter came in the mail yesterday... seeing the words "Peds Oncology" after your daughter's name is not what a parent wants to see.

This particular doctor has a background in Hematology as well so he'll be able to address her low white blood cell counts as well as deal with the biopsy of the nodules in her neck. Yep... I was a bit freaked out to start with. But the nurse that called was very sweet and helpful. Then, I received a message from a dear friend whose son sees the very same doctor and she calmed my nerves a bit. I've been told by her, and others, that Dr. McLean has great bedside manner, answers all questions, never rushes you, and really wants parents to feel comfortable before they leave his office. So we're going tomorrow with open ears and a mouthful of questions!

We also have another big event going on tomorrow, and this is where the "God thing" comes in...

Tomorrow is also the day that Devin and I are walking in the Relay for Life to support the American Cancer Society... the very day that my 6 year old daughter is being seen by the Oncology clinic. Wow! Talk about timing!!

We are walking in memory of my Mom and Grandmother and in honor of the many family and friends we know who have been touched by cancer. We are certainly praying that our appointment goes well tomorrow. But, I know that because of God's perfect timing that I will have a fresh outlook on tomorrow night's walk. I can only imagine the beautiful faces we will see in that clinic tomorrow, the struggles and triumphs the kids are going through, and the emotions of the parents. As I walk tomorrow night I will certainly be thinking about and praying for the many people I will meet tomorrow.

There is still time to sponsor Devin and I in our walk tomorrow night. Click HERE to go to my page and then click the "Donate" button. To all of you who have supported this cause.... a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!


Kristen said...

Praying for you, my friend! Everything I said is true! And, I talked to him about you guys when he called to tell me about Ethan's chest x-ray results and I told him it was ok to tell you that he knows us- you know, so he doesn't feel like he's violating HIPAA. LOL.

Please call me if you need me! 782-0580

xoxoxo & Lots of prayers.

The Portas said...


Anonymous said...

I'm always praying for you all.I'm laid off again so going home to visit mom's grave. I'll put some extra @ grave site from you and tell her hi from you all. Drop me an e-mail once in awhile. I miss you all.
Aunt Rita