Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Harry Potter Can Rot"...

If you haven't heard yet, the new Harry Potter movie was released this week. The world seems to be pretty excited over it... I just read that worldwide it has made over $100 MILLION dollars in just a few short days!!!

On the flip side of the excited fanatics who are storming theaters to see this movie... you have the exhausted employees who work at and operate the theaters...

Take Mike, for example....

Tuesday he worked 7am to 11am to prep for the movie, then back in at about 4:30-5:00pm for the beginning of mass chaos... notice, I didn't put an end time... that's because he came home at 7:00pm WEDNESDAY for a total of 26.5 hours straight! Then the poor guy had to BACK at the theater at 7am this morning to meet a tech to fix a projector! By the end of the day Saturday he will work over 60 hours!

Mike's facebook status this week has been "Harry Potter Can Rot"... and I can certainly see why!

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