Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Such a Proud Kid...

Chase was jumping on the trampoline this afternoon without a shirt on and flipped off of it, backwards. Now we all know Chase is made of rubber and doesn't really break... so for him it was "funny" and quite a proud moment complete with some scratches and battle wounds from the fall!

It wasn't quite so funny after he came downstairs tonight asking what all the bubbles were all over him. It was then that his big brother said he had fallen into a patch of POISON OAK!!! Really not so funny now! The kids is COVERED in poison oak all the way down his chest and left arm! Add to the poison oak bubbles the fact that he's got open scrapes all over his chest.... YUCK!

After a long hot soapy shower and careful towel dry we lathered him up with a 50/50 split of prescription strength corticosteroid cream and Eucerin (b/c the cream was adult strength). For now he's doing fairly well and says it feels "cooool"!!

The smile still shows how proud he is... wonder if he'll still be this proud tomorrow when he's all itchy and miserable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

silly boy but he does seem to be smiling.
Aunt rita