Monday, June 29, 2009


This was the look on Devin's face as Grandma and Grandpa Lyons walked in the door Sunday afternoon... Priceless!!

I'll back up... Friday evening, Ray called my cell phone to say they were 4 hours away and had an extra day, they'd like to come visit for a night. Of course we said yes considering they live 12 hours away! But, we decided NOT to tell the kids and really make it a surprise. All we told them was we were having a "family day" on Sunday because Devin was gone for a week. So, we went to church, came home, ate lunch, and began to "make plans"... knowing that the grandparents were just a short while away...

It truly was a fun surprise and the smiles were amazing! We spent Sunday afternoon just visiting, then headed to Old Bethabara Park before returning home to grill out.

Sadly, they had to leave on Monday morning... but they'll be back in July!

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