Saturday, October 10, 2009

God's Timing Is ALWAYS Perfect!

When I learned about 6 weeks ago that Dad would need surgery to replace his AICD (Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) I immediately started to prepare to head to Ohio. Nothing with Dad is ever simple and there was no way I was letting him have the surgery without me being there.

Before they could schedule surgery, they wanted to run some chemical stress tests to be sure nothing else needed done. This was done on Monday of this week. By Tuesday the cardiologist called and said everything looked as good as can be and he's in good health right now. He does have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (we knew this), some "grey" areas of heart muscle damage (again, we knew this), and his heart is functioning at 51% which is fabulous for him!!!!

So - as a result of these tests and after talking to him, we decided that I would not go to Ohio for the surgery that we assumed would take place in the next week or so, and I would see him in 3 weeks during an already scheduled trip. This was a very difficult decision for me. After losing my Mom when she was so young, I'm afraid of losing my Dad before his time, and even more afraid that something will happen to him and I won't make it there in time. But - I forgot - I'm not in charge of things like this and apparently, I'm meant to be there...

Dad called yesterday to tell me that his surgery is scheduled for October 29th... the day we're going to be there!!!! I felt such a sense of relief that I can actually be there for him!!! I hung up the phone and cried again (b/c I'm a big cry baby!).

So very thankful that God's timing and God's plan is always in place and that He has opened the door for me to be by my Daddy's side.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

What a relief that must be for you!!