Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Longer a Fender Bender Virgin

Mike sums it up perfectly: You know it's not going to be a good conversation when your son calls and says "I need some advice" and you retort of "Don't eat the yellow snow" is met with... "I need you to be serious for a moment" in a serious tone!

Devin was backing out of Starbucks tonight and wasn't looking... backed right into a lady in driving through the parking lot! He was with the youth pastor, who kindly stayed with him while they waited for the police department and made sure he stayed calm. I think he was scared to death to come home to us!

Fortunately - the dent is fairly small and all is well. Devin wasn't cited, just got his first official police report!

1 comment:

Jason Sparks said...

I cracked my virginity in this field pretty quickly after starting to drive. I recall my dad's words that he used (and repeated several times). "That's why they call them accidents." I've used that quote and philosophy in raising my daughter. There are some things that just happen. When they do- you gotta embrace the moment- then let it go.