Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This Flu Stinks!

Today is day 4 of the flu for me and let me tell you... it stinks! I woke up just exhausted and worn out Sunday and by Sunday evening had the chills and knew it was coming. Monday it hurt to even touch my skin with my own hands and I couldn't stay awake for more than 30 minutes! Simply miserable! So I gave in and called the doctor yesterday only to be told "we are asking patients with flu symptoms to stay home, drink plenty of fluids, and rest". Uhhh? What? No miracle cure? What's that all about?!?

I do feel a little better today and made my goal to stay awake all day, even if it's lounging around. Got up and took a shower, sorted laundry and started a load, then fixed breakfast. Man... after that I was DONE for the day! Where did my energy go and when do I get it back?

OK... done with my pity party!

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