Friday, January 21, 2011

Crazy Coupon Chicks!

The best financial lesson I learned from my Mom was couponing! Yep... she was that lady who had the great big box all organized and labeled browsing up and down every aisle spending hours getting every last deal she could each and every week! She'd even profile the cashiers to make sure she got the one that was fast and was polite so that she didn't hold up the line for too long! She always said the grouchy cashiers would intentionally go slow hoping she'd just leave! Remember... back then they had to manually enter prices, coupons, sales, etc.! It always amazed me... watching her take totals that started at $50-$75 (again... this was YEARS ago when things were cheaper!) down to just a few dollars! Way cool in my book!

Over the years I have had periods of time where I was very diligent at couponing, and other times where I was just too lazy. But all it takes is a month or two shopping for my clan of 6 and spending upwards of $125 to $150 a week for me to snap my brain back into shape and say "yo... chick-a-dee... get those coupons out again!" and save yourself some money! When I do use my coupons, I get so excited about what I save that I often will post about it on Facebook or tell my friends. Which then leads to either (a) other friends telling me how much they saved, or (b) friends saying "you have GOT to teach me!".

So.... I decided to post on Facebook (my #1 addiction right now) to see if anyone was interested in a coupon group. The response I got was crazy! 10 people in the first 10 minutes of the post! So, we're giving it a shot and are starting the "Crazy Coupon Chicks" group! I'm so excited! We can share coupons between us, share tips and tricks of the game, teach the newbies, and help each other save some money!

Again... just way cool!

Thanks Mom!

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