Friday, January 7, 2011

"In Everything, Give Thanks"

The bible tells us in Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything, give thanks...". When it comes down to it, it is VERY hard to do and many of us, instead of giving thanks, question His will during times of trial and hardship. I know that even I struggle with that.

This week, the students at Regan High School experienced a tragic accident. A very well loved classmate, Nicholas Doub, hit a patch of black ice Thursday morning (no he wasn't speeding and yes he was wearing a seatbelt). His vehicle flipped over an embankment a few times before finally hitting a tree. He was flown to WFUBMC and is still tonight, listed in critical condition with a very poor prognosis.

Both of my kids, Devin and Kayleigh, know Nick well. Kayleigh knows him very well... they talk daily and see each other all the time. Before the accident yesterday, before they even left home for school, Kayleigh and Nick were messaging back and forth. The last message Kayleigh received was "Gotta go.... see you at school"... only Nick never made it to school.

As you can imagine, Kayleigh is a mess! I have sat with her, hugged her, and prayed with her. But it is tough to parent through hurt like this. I know that the strength I have had to hold back tears when I'm with her don't come from me alone, they come from the Lord!

While the last 24 hours have brought questions, hurt, heartache, worry, and fear... we are able to give thanks. We give thanks for the laughter and love that Nick has given to so many people! We give thanks for the number of people who have rallied in prayer for one student who so desperately needs a miracle.

Luke Brigman (another close friend of Kayleigh's that we know well) organized this prayer vigil, called local news stations, and gathered as many people as he could. At 4pm today, what he thought would be just a few ended up being over 300... say that again out loud... OVER THREE HUNDRED... over 300 students, faculty, friends, and parents gathered around the flag pole at Reagan High School praying for an hour! Praying for Nick, his parents, his family, his friends..... praying that the Lord's Will would be done and that the Lord would provide strength and comfort to all those lives that Nick has touched.

For this... we give thanks and praise!

MyFox8 News is one of the news stations that covered the story, "School Rallies in Support of Student"... they did an amazing job, and to watch it just is awesome! When I watched it, I couldn't hold back the tears! I dare you to get through it and not be touched!

In Matthew 18:20 we are assured "
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.". When 300 plus are gathered in one place, all in prayer... I am CERTAIN that He heard those cries for help!

While it is certainly hard to understand His will and to know what His ending will be for Nick during this uncertain time, we are certain that we can trust in Him to carry us all through!

Sweet Jesus... be strong enough for all of those hurting during this tragedy!

1 comment:

Rick&MarliOverstreet said...

Praying for all involved.
Love to you all!!